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Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
ISSN : 16934539     EISSN : -     DOI :
Turats: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam sebagai jurnal pendidikan Islam yang terbit sejak tahun 2004 dengan nomor ISSN 1693-4539. Diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi secara berkala setiap 6 bulan atau dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Turats: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam menerima berbagai artikel penelitian dengan tema pendidikan Islam, baik dari studi literatur maupun studi lapangan. Turats menerima artikel penelitian berdasarkan studi literatur atau studi lapangan terkait pendidikan Islam yang juga dapat menggunakan pendekatan multidisiplin.
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Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4535


This research is motivated by deviant behavior carried out by teenagers, especially students such as brawls, free sex, drug abuse, bullying, drunkenness, and so on. Most of the causes of this event is encouragement from peers. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts of sIslamic Religious Education Teachers in increasing student self-control at SMA Negeri 3 Bekasi. With a qualitative descriptive method, this study tries to explore the extent to which a teacher can develop student self-control. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews with Islamic Religious Education Teachers and documentation studies. The results showed that the teacher's efforts to improve student self-control were being uswah hasanah, making habituation, implementing joint supervision and mentoring policies and increasing discipline.
Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4536


The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia has caused activities across all sectors to undergo changes and adjustments, including in the field of education. To reduce the spread of the virus, the government established distance learning policies as a solution to the limitations of the teaching and learning process. Student learning achievement is caused by one of the internal factors, namely Learning Interests. Based on the results of the survey, the Google Meet and Zoom Meeting application became the most popular distance learning media. This can be one of the factors that can affect students' learning interests. The study was created with the aim of distinguishing students' learning interests between using the Google Meet app and Zoom Meeting on PAI subjects.This research uses comparative quantitative methods (ex post facto) by spreading questionnaires online to students of SMAN 3 Babelan as a source of research data. A total of 54 students were objected to the study. For data processing techniques, the study used descriptive statistical techniques. From the results of this study, the results of the t count are smaller than the t table, so it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in student learning interest between using the Google Meet app and Zoom Meeting on PAI subjects. From the results of this study, the results of the t count are smaller than the t table, so it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in student learning interest between using the Google Meet app and Zoom Meeting on PAI subjects.
Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4537


The background of the problem in this review is about the overall obstacles that occur in turjuman learning in schools. The use of an inappropriate learning method makes students bored and lacks concentration and in the use of this method there is still a lack of supporting power provided by educational institutions. The purpose of carrying out the research is to find out the implementation of turjuman learning, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the support and obstacles of turjuman learning at SMP IT Daarussalam. The research approach is using descriptive qualitative. The subjects used in the study were the head, deputy head, teachers and students of the turjuman class. The instrument of this research is the writer who researches directly, collects data and conducts analysis during the research process is ongoing. The results that have been obtained show that this turjuman learning applies the ummi approach with direct, repetition and sincere affection. Turjuman has three characteristics, including a more practical direct approach and the chosen teacher. Turjuman's learning is based on the ummi method of learning the Qur'an, practical media, and the teacher who teaches it. The excellence of Turjuman Ummi's learning is the type of learning that prioritizes student activity and the presence of professional teachers marked by certified teachers. Obstacles in Turjuman Ummi's learning are changes in students' vocal cords, good thinking skills to absorb material, and the lack sof learning media in the form of materials and other supporting media such as audio and video.
Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4538


Education is a vehicle for creating an easy generation that is very important for the future. Parents are responsible for their children’s education. Parents must provide encouragement and motivate children to continue their education to the next level, especially to choose a school with consideration and care, so that children get quality education so that parents do not regret it in the future. In this study is a qualitative research that uses data collection techniques through observation, interviews to parents of students and documentation that aims to obtain information related to the mativation of parents who send their children to Islamic schools. Based on the results of research at MI Al Chaeriyah. One of the motivations of parents to send their children to Islamic schools is so that their children understand the norms of Islamic teachings that are in accordance with Islamic law and can be applied in everyday life. Then the constrains for parents to send their children to Islamic schools is the economic fator, because Islamic schools have a lot of costs. Such as tuition fees, cash, exams, committees, and others. So parents who want to send their children to Islamic schools must have special savings for school needs. And the implication is that many of the students have the development of attitudes. Starting from better morals, speaking politely honestly, knowing the teachings and laws applied in Islam.
IMPLEMENTASI METODE TUTOR SEBAYA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA AL-QUR’AN SISWA (Studi Kualitatif Naturalistik Di SMA Martia Bhakti Kayu Ringin Bekasi Selatan Kota Bekasi) Sri Yunita; Siti Asiah
Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4539


Peer tutoring is a learning method that is carried out by selecting students who have more abilities than others to guide other students who have abilities below them. The research in this thesis formulates three main problems, namely:How is the implementation of the peer tutoring method at Martia Bhakti High School Bekasi and What are the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the application of the peer tutor method at Martia Bhakti High School Bekasi. The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of the peer tutoring method as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors for the application of the peer tutor method in improving students' reading skills of the Koran at SMA Martia Bhakti Bekasi.The research in this thesis uses naturalistic qualitative research, namely research that is based on a phenomenological view and seeks to understand the meaning of events and their relation to the object of research. The results showed that the peer tutoring method at SMA Martia Bhakti Bekasi did not cover the maturity of planning, implementation of organizing activities and evaluating activities. This can be confirmed because the peer tutoring method at SMA Martia Bhakti Bekasi has not become the main program in learning the Qur'an. The factors that support the application of peer tutors at SMA Martia Bhakti Bekasi include the enthusiasm of students in reciting the Qur'an, the cohesiveness of teachers in teaching the Qur'an, and encouragement from parents or guardians of students. While the inhibiting factors, time constraints, quality of tutors (tutor standardization), there are no specific guidelines for learning the Koran using peer tutors and have not made peer tutors the main program in learning the Koran.
Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4540


Many moral declines occur, one of which is in the world of education, one of which is the use of smartphones in school children where they are easily influenced by trend developments through social media. So parents have to be extra in educating their children at home. In addition, the decline in ethics and morals that is happening at this time makes schools also strive to educate in order to realize the character education achieved. The government launched Strengthening Character Education (PPK) which can be integrated into the educational curriculum, one of which is through learning activities in schools using sophisticated and effective media. Researchers used the animated film Nussa and Rarra as a tool in the study. So this study aims to determine the effect of the animated film Nussa and Rarra on the character of students in PAI learning class IV SDN Karangsetia 03 Kab. Bekasi. This research is a quantitative research with the type of research design quasi experiment. With a population of all fourth grade students at SDN Karangsetia 03, the samples used were grades IV A and IV C. The data collection techniques used in this study were questionnaires and tests. The results obtained After being given treatment (treatment) and conducted a posttest. Character education of students is better using the animated film Nussa and Rarra compared to learning using power point media because it is more effective and varied, this is reinforced by the results of statistical tests assisted by SPPS version 25. The animated film media Nussa and Rarra has an effect on students' character education because the animated film Nussa and Rarra is not only funny but contains character education values ​​in each episode, then the role of the character has the potential to be imitated by children or become role models and this animated film contains a religious theme that is thick with the adab and behavior of a Muslim. The results of the attitude assessment must be understood as a process not as the result of an instant learning process that is assessed by educators every time they complete the learning process. Therefore, this assessment is an accumulative process or will continue to develop on student behavior indefinitely.
Turats Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Turats : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/turats.v15i1.4541


Madrasa is one form of Islamic educational institution that has gone through a long evolutionary process. Starting from the mosque which was used as a means of education, then kuttab, and so on turned into a madrasa. The process of evolution of the madrasa to become an educational institution that is recognized as capable of producing a superior generation of Islam, of course, has not escaped the long journey of history that it has gone through with challenges. Until finally the madrasa arrived at the archipelago, the historical carvings inscribed by Islamic leaders were also full of exhausting struggles. From then until now, and maybe until when, can not be determined. This paper is intended to find out how the history of madrasa, from classical to modern times, from the Middle East to Indonesia, and the challenges faced for its existence. In this study, the authors use research that is library research using written materials that have been published in the form of books and international journals. This research uses a historical and educational approach. The results of the research in this study indicate that in the history of the growth and development of madrasa in Indonesia, there are two momentums that determine the existence of madrasa: first, the 1975 Joint Decree of Three Ministers (SKB 3 Menteri) which became the entry point for the recognition of madrasa as Islamic educational institutions that is equivalent to public schools; second, the National Education System Law Number 2/1989 which makes madrasa not only educational institutions that is equivalent to public schools, more than that, madrasa is recognized as public schools with Islamic characteristics. In other words, madrasa can be said to be "plus public school". On the other hand, this recognition is a matter of pride for the madrasa, but on the other hand it is also a challenge that needs to be proven, whether the madrasa is able to carry out this dual status.

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